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Birds Being a Bother?

a collage of birds including pigeon, starling, sparrow, crow, swallow, grackle

While there seems to be an infinite number of bird species, there are a handful in particular that are considered pests in Ontario.

In urban areas, the most common nuisance birds include:

  1. Pigeons (Feral pigeon, Rock dove). They prefer to nest on high ledges and feed on seeds, grains and insects.

  2. Starlings (European starling). Nests are built in holes like tree cavities or vents. They feed on insects, small invertebrates, seeds and berries.

  3. House Sparrows (English sparrow). Nests are built in the Spring in sheltered areas or structures. They feed mainly on seeds.

Depending on the area and time of year, you may also find yourself dealing with:

  1. Grackles (Common grackle, Blackbird). Nesting mainly in trees, they feed on insects, small mammals and amphibians, seeds and fruit.

  2. Crows (American crow, Blackbird). They will nest on ledges, sills or in trees. Crows are scavengers and will feed on whatever they can find including garbage and roadkill.

  3. Swallows (Tree swallow, Cliff swallow, Barn swallow). They like to nest in cozy places such as hollow trees, birdhouses and vents and feed on seeds and berries.

Canadian Geese and Gulls (“seagulls”) are often considered a nuisance. However - they are protected and a special permit is required to control them. For a full list of birds that are protected under the Migratory Birds Convention Act head to:

As with most birds, effective DIY solutions to deter them include:

  1. Noise

  2. Screening/netting/barriers

  3. Reflective devices

The goal is to make them feel unwelcome over time. If you choose to use a decoy like an owl, be sure to move it around or the birds will catch on that it is fake. Frequently clean up garbage, organics and bird seed on your property. If you notice a bird starting to build a nest, remove the materials right away. If you plan to clean up a bird mess, wear protective gear such as a mask and gloves.

Remember: it is an offense to harm protected migratory birds and their nests (if there are eggs).

If you find yourself with a bird issue, call us! You can always email us photos to help identify the bird(s). We are here to offer a quote, solutions and advice - servicing Woodstock, London, Tillsonburg, Brantford, Kitchener, Waterloo, Stratford and surrounding areas.

(519) 421-2677

(289) 987-0390

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Gunning Wildlife Removal & Pest Control

124 Ottawa Ave

Woodstock, Ontario N4T 0H9


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Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Saturday and Sunday: Closed

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Terms and Conditions. Invoices are payable on receipt unless other terms are negotiated and agreed in writing by seller. By requesting service, accepting delivery or installation of goods or service, buyer agrees to pay the invoiced cost and agrees to be bound to these contract terms. By paying the invoice you are agreeing to the terms & conditions appearing here and on the invoice and you give our workers permission to enter your property and collect our traps, doors, bait boxes or other material. Please call our office if raccoon doors have not been removed after 14 days. Please call if you want a squirrel door removed. Screening work on holes will only stop wildlife and not mice. Only screened areas are guaranteed to stop wildlife for one year, new holes are not covered under guarantee. We are not responsible for water damage, or cut wire/pipes from digging around decks, sheds or additions. Full prevention jobs come with 1 year guarantee on screening. Pest control is guaranteed for 3 months unless otherwise stated.

Service Area

We serve Southwestern Ontario: Woodstock, London, Kitchener, Waterloo, Brantford, Stratford and surrounding areas

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