We’ve been seeing lots of baby raccoons and squirrels so far this Spring around Woodstock, Kitchener, Waterloo, Brantford, London and surrounding areas.
They are right on schedule with baby season! If you hear chirping, squeaking or scratching in your attic call Gunning Ontario Wildlife Removal & Pest Control. We’re equipped, experienced, licensed and insured exterminators and will seal off their entry points, move them out of your home and we offer preventive measures to avoid future wildlife invasions. For affordable pest control & humane wildlife solutions call Gunning Wildlife Removal & Pest Control.
Here are a few tips to keep them out of YOUR home:
Block off any areas you feel raccoons may be able to enter your home. They can fit through holes and cracks in your chimney, attic vents and surprisingly even the seams along your roof and baseboards! The best way to block such areas is with sheet metal or heavy screening. You may want to contact a professional to do this for you.
Keep your garbage lids on tight. Raccoons can easily move loose or broken lids because they have opposable thumbs! Use garbage cans with lids that lock or clamp or keep your bins in a secure building.
Keep your pet food dishes inside the house. If you feed your pets outside, feed them during the day and move their dishes inside at night. Raccoons will eat your pets’ food at night and they don’t mind fighting your cat or dog for it!
Keep your compost pile covered and unaccessable to raccoons.
Plant cucumbers in your garden and adjacent to fencing as these critters can’t tolerate the smell of cucumbers.
Raccoons love to live in water bodies, so take care that you cover your swimming pool at night.
Here’s what DOESN’T work – just in case you were wondering:
Scaring raccoons with light, noise or water. While bright lights, clanging noises or spraying water may be a temporary solution raccoons are persistent and this will only work until the raccoon becomes accustom to the light, noise and/or finds a way around the water-sprayer.
There is some evidence that moth balls may keep raccoons away from enclosed spaces within you house – however the objective is to keep them OUT of your house in the first place! Placing mothballs at possible entry points may be helpful.