Rabid Raccoons? Not Likely! But Be Cautious As with any sick animal always be cautious. There are two types of rabies in animals: “dumb” and “furious”:
1. In the “dumb” form of rabies, the animal is often exhibiting a staring expression, and can look sick. In the “furious” form of rabies, aggression is the most common sign. Affected animals can attack non-prey species. Paralysis and convulsions can be seen in the later stages of both kinds.
2. Raccoons are typically active at night but may be seen out in the daytime if they are nursing their kits and forced to search for food both day and night. Although it is unusual to see raccoons active during the daytime they are probably not rabid if they are behaving normally.
3. Raccoons vary in size from about 12 to 35 pounds with females typically being on the smaller side. These critters have a keen sense of hearing, visual acuity and a highly developed sense of touch. They also have opposable thumbs and can easily unlock doors, open trash cans and climb and descend vertically!
4. As temperatures drop, raccoons will grow a thick heavy winter fur coat and will eat as much as they can find in preparation of harsh winter weather. During winter they will spend weeks in their dens without eating but they do not hibernate. They breed between January and June depending a great deal on their environmental conditions.
5. Most baby raccoons are born in April and May with a gestation period of about 63 days. Their litters are anywhere from one to seven kits. The noisy kits can cause quite a disruption if they are denned in your home or on your property. When they are hungry or cold they chatter, whine and twitter like birds. After about 3 weeks they will get even noisier – growling, hissing and snorting.
6. Make sure to deter them from your property in the first place by eliminating their access to food sources. Raccoons prefer feasting on meat but will satisfy their hunger with berries, fruit, vegetables, eggs, acorns, beech and hickory nuts, grains, grasses and bark if nothing else is available. Pet food left outdoors can also replace their traditional dietary staples.
7. The raccoon has adapted to our human environment hence attics and chimneys become dens and rest sites and they will gain access by destroying your roof and vents! If catching and releasing a nuisance raccoon it’s imperative to release it close to it’s familiar area, where it will have access to plenty of water and keeping in mind they like to den in hollow trees and rock crevices.
If you think raccoons – or any other pesky wildlife or animal such as skunk, squirrel, bat, bird or opossum – have made their nest in or around your home and you need help dealing with the issue contact Gunning Wildlife Removal. John has the experience and equipment to take care of the intrusion and prevent future problems.
Gunning Wildlife Removal will provide a full inspection and offer humane & affordable removal, prevention and control solutions for your home, property or business in Woodstock, London, Brantford, Kitchener, Waterloo, Stratford and surrounding areas.