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  • What’s That Smell?

    You already know the answer - SKUNKS! Skunks are on the move right now. Babies are old enough to be frolicking about, with or without their mum. They know the weather is changing and are looking for a cozy place to call home for the winter. While they are generally harmless to humans, they can be a nuisance to your property. Skunks love to den underneath structures like your shed or deck. They also feed on grubs which can be plentiful in (and harmful to) your yard. Sometimes skunks are transient - they don’t live on your property but they frequent it, digging for food or digging underneath your fence to get around. They are clumsy and often get trapped in window wells. For issues with your lawn, we recommend contacting a lawn care company to treat for grubs. For issues with skunks frequenting or living on your property, contact a professional. Once we have all the necessary information, we will let you know the different options. If you have a skunk trapped in your window well, place a sturdy wide board so it can climb out. If the skunk is on public property, please call your local animal control. If you suspect a skunk has been abandoned, injured or is sick, call a rescue - unfortunately these types of issues are out of our scope. Head to for more information. As always, here are our top DIY deterrents for skunks! Ultrasonic sound devices - placed near active areas Unpleasant scent like ammonia These solutions are both safe & effective. However - if all else fails - call us! Gunning Wildlife Removal & Pest Control services Southern Ontario including Woodstock, Tillsonburg, London, Stratford, Kitchener, Waterloo, Brantford and surrounding areas. Phone: (519) 421-2677 Text: (289) 987-0390 Email:

  • It’s Busy Season for Squirrels

    Fall is a very active time for squirrels. They are gathering food and looking for den sites to overwinter. Squirrels can have as many as 10 den or nesting sites in a neighbourhood! The best way to secure your home from squirrels is to frequently check for vulnerable or damaged areas around your roof, vents, soffits, eaves and chimneys. Securing these areas before wildlife makes a cozy home in your attic is the best prevention. A few other things you can do to deter squirrels from your home: Trim back tree branches a few meters Keep bird feeders out of reach or install a squirrel baffle Do not feed wildlife! For even more tips, click the link below to CAA Quebec's website:,the%20hollows%20of%20tree%20trunks. If squirrels have gotten in your home, the next best thing to do is call an experienced professional. Blocking off their entry point without proper investigation and proper materials can result in more damage to your home or worse. An experienced company will install measures that exclude the squirrels from your home, allowing them to leave on their own. All too often we hear of squirrels getting trapped inside with no way out, or babies becoming separated from their mother. Gunning Wildlife Removal & Pest Control is the experienced and reputable company that you’ve been looking for! We service Southern Ontario including Woodstock, Tillsonburg, London, Stratford, Kitchener, Waterloo, Brantford and surrounding areas. Contact us for information, quotes and bookings. Call: (519) 421-2677 Text: (289) 987-0390 Email:

  • Raccoons Hibernate… or do They?

    It’s easy to assume that raccoons hibernate over the winter. It would make sense: they forage, secure their winter dens and are seen less often. However they do not “hibernate” in the true sense of the word. Raccoons will remain active over the winter depending on the weather. During warmer spells it’s not uncommon to see them out and about. The same is true for skunks and tree squirrels - meaning they can enter your home all year round! To elaborate: 1. “Hibernation” is a voluntary state of deep sleep or rest where the animal’s heart rate, metabolic rate and breathing rate slow down. Their body temperature will become lower - all to help them conserve energy and sleep through the winter. They will seldom stir or wake during this time. Animals who truly hibernate include: Bats Ground squirrels Groundhogs 2. Raccoons, skunks and tree squirrels enter a variation of hibernation called “torpor”. This is a much lighter, involuntary state of sleep where the animal sleeps for a few hours to a few days during really cold weather. Once the weather warms they wake up and continue on. Their body rates slow down during rest, but return to normal once they wake. This can also happen multiple times over the course of the winter. Other animals who torpor include: Bears Mice Chipmunks 3. There is another version called “brumation” which is hibernation specific to cold-blooded animals. Their body does much of the same things as an animal in hibernation, waking seldomly to drink water or change position. Animals who brumate include: Frogs Snakes Turtles Another fun fact: a mild winter can mean early baby season for many species! If you think your roof has weak spots, it’s best to fix it ASAP. If you think wildlife have already moved in, call a professional for an assessment and exclusion. We’ll get them out - and keep them out! Gunning Wildlife Removal & Pest Control services southern Ontario including Woodstock, London, Stratford, Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Brantford, Tillsonburg and surrounding areas. Call: (519) 421-2677 Text: (289) 987-0390 Email:

  • Unwanted House Guests?

    It’s no coincidence that rodent calls have been picking up. With the change in seasons, winter is an active time for mice and rats. Rodents are looking to relocate and find their way indoors to stay warm - understandably so! While rummaging through your holiday decor or rearranging for the season, you may find evidence of these unwelcome guests in the form of holes, droppings or shredded cardboard. The good news is - this is a common issue and we’re experts at tackling it with you. During our initial inspection we look for signs of entry and damage to your home. We tell you what we find and what we plan to do to eliminate them. We also tell you what you can do on your end to keep your home or business unappealing to rodents. For quick pointers, here are the best DIY deterrents: Frequent cleaning and decluttering especially in basements, furnace rooms, garages and sheds Clean behind furniture and boxes often Store food and pet food in airtight containers Clean up food messes right away Properly store and dispose of garbage, recycling and compost. Store it in locked bins and avoid accumulation Seal cracks, crevices and holes, especially around your foundation These tips, along with our services, is a sure fire way to rodent-free your home or business. Gunning Wildlife Removal & Pest Control services much of Southwestern Ontario including Woodstock, London, Stratford, Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Brantford, Tillsonburg and surrounding areas. Contact us today for more information, bookings & quotes. Call: (519) 421-2677 Text: (289) 987-0390 Email:

  • Mice or Rats? It’s Very Common

    We know how it sounds - having mice or rats in your home is not something you want to talk about. But did you know - all homes have rodents somewhere at some point. They might be passing through, or they might be taking up residence. The good news is that you may never know they are there. The even better news? If you do see them, we can help! We are here to break down the stigma of having rodents in or around your home. It is so much more common than you think, and sometimes it’s totally out of your control. Rats tunnel underground. So when the city is doing road work or new homes are being built, it forces the rats to move elsewhere and sometimes they end up in your yard or attic. It’s completely normal and expected. Mice can fit through an opening as small as 6mm! Meaning it can be very daunting and feel almost impossible to exclude them from your home. That’s why we made a list of easy-to-do tasks to deter both mice and rats from your home or business. Keep up with cleaning and eliminate clutter, especially in basements, furnace rooms, storage rooms, kitchens and outdoor areas like garages and sheds. Store food and pet food in airtight containers, such as Rubbermaid bins. Clean up food messes right away, including loose pet food around their bowl and crumbs inside cupboards. Practice proper storage and disposal of garbage, recycling and compost. Stuff any holes you find with steel wool - they hate chewing on it! Rodent-proof by sealing cracks, crevices and holes inside and around the outside of your property. Install ultrasonic sound devices in problem areas For some more detail: While these are excellent tips to deter rodents, they may not be a fix-all to the issue. Thankfully at Gunning Wildlife Removal & Pest Control, we are licensed to and experienced in getting the job done right! We will do a thorough inspection, suggest repairs, and get rid of the rodents. Call us for a quote or booking and remember - rodent issues are NOT something to be embarrassed about. It happens, it's common, and it’s fixable!!! We service Woodstock and all surrounding areas including Stratford, Kitchener-Waterloo, Brantford, Tillsonburg and London. Call: (519) 421-2677 Text: (289) 987-0390 Email:

  • Winter Weather Safety Tips -From your friendly local pest control company

    Stay safe and healthy by making sure homes and vehicles are in good working condition during the winter weather. Here are suggestions to prepare your home: 1. Check the condition of your weather stripping, insulation and windows 2. Make sure exterior water lines are insulated 3. Ensure your heating system is clean, working properly, and ventilated to the outside 4. Inspect and clean fireplaces and chimneys 5. Test batteries monthly on your smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) detectors and replace the batteries twice a year 6. Have a safe alternate heating source and alternate fuels available. 7. Prepare your Vehicle: Service the radiator; Maintain antifreeze level; Check tire tread/replace tires with all-weather or snow tires; Keep gas tank full to avoid ice in the tank and fuel lines; Use a wintertime formula in your windshield washer; Prepare a winter emergency kit for your car with cell phone, portable charger, and extra batteries, blankets, food, water, booster cables, flares, tire pump, bag of sand/cat litter, compass, maps, flashlight, battery-powered radio, extra batteries, first-aid kit, plastic bags. Gunning Wildlife Removal & Pest Control provides affordable pest control and humane removal of wildlife from homes, businesses and properties. We serve Woodstock, London, Brantford, Kitchener-Waterloo, Stratford and surrounding areas. Call 519-421-2677 or text 289-987-0390. For problem Raccoons, Squirrels, Mice, Rats and more – call us!

  • Winter Outage Tips

    It would be nice to imagine that all this winter weather is almost over, but the snow just keeps coming! Stay safe and healthy during these cold days by being prepared. Prepare for Outages: 1. Stock food that needs no cooking or refrigeration and water stored in clean containers. 2. Ensure that your cell phone is fully charged. 3. When planning travel, be aware of current and forecast weather conditions. 4. Keep an up-to-date emergency kit, including: Battery-operated devices: flashlight, weather radio, lamps, extra batteries, first-aid kit and extra medicine, baby items, cat litter or sand for icy walkways. 5. Protect your family from carbon monoxide: Keep grills, camp stoves, and generators out of the house, basement and garage. 6. Locate generators at least 20 feet from the house. 7. Leave your home immediately if the CO detector sounds, and call 911. Gunning Wildlife Removal & Pest Control provides affordable pest control and humane removal of wildlife for homes, businesses and properties. Including raccoons, skunks, squirrels, mice, rats and more. We serve Southwestern Ontario including Woodstock, London, Brantford, Kitchener, Waterloo, Stratford and surrounding areas. Call 519-421-2677 or text 289-987-0390. We’re sure looking forward to Spring!

  • Happy Valentine’s Day & Family Day Weekend!

    We want to wish all of our clients & neighbours a safe & fun weekend! Here are some things to do in the area… 1. WOODSTOCK: 2. KITCHENER/WATERLOO: 3. HAMILTON/HALTON/BRANT: And here are some yummy valentine treats to make with the kids:

  • Outdoor Play Winter Safety Tips

    Stay safe and healthy during these winter months by being prepared. Prepare to play outdoors: 1. Wear a tightly woven, wind-resistant coat, inner layers of light, warm clothing, mittens, hats, scarves, and waterproof boots. 2. Sprinkle cat litter or sand on icy patches. 3. Learn safety precautions to follow when outdoors such as work slowly when doing outside chores, take a buddy and an emergency kit when you are participating in outdoor recreation, carry a cell phone Gunning Wildlife Removal & Pest Control provides affordable pest control and humane removal of wildlife from homes, businesses and properties. We serve Southwestern Ontario including Woodstock, London, Brantford, Kitchener, Waterloo, Stratford and surrounding areas. Call 519-421-2677 or text 289-987-0390 Have a safe & warm Winter!

  • Raccoons in daylight? In the winter? What’s going on?

    Happy New Year! As we ponder many questions during the start of a new year the question we keep hearing over and over is… Do raccoons and skunks hibernate? 1. Let us clear this up for you! Raccoons and skunks do not truly hibernate in winter, but “hole up” for days, weeks, or even months, depending on the weather. Family groups of raccoons usually remain together for the first year and the young will often den for the winter with the adult female. Although raccoons are primarily nocturnal, they do often get some stuff done during the day. 2. Skunks do not hibernate either but generally remain inactive during winter, surviving on their fat stores. However, they may leave the winter den for short periods during warm weather. Skunks are also nocturnal, usually active from early evening through the night. Moral of this new year story… don’t be surprised if you see a raccoon or a skunk during the day and yes even during the winter! They may be coming out to find food or look for a new home. They can chew through roofs to nest in warm attics or look for a warm place underneath sheds like this guy – who got stuck trying to dig his way back out! He has obviously found plenty to eat so far this winter. Call Gunning Wildlife Removal & Pest Control for affordable pest control and humane removal of wildlife from your home, business or property. Call 519-421-2677 or text 289-987-0390 serving Woodstock, London, Brantford, Kitchener, Waterloo, Stratford and surrounding areas. Learn more

  • Bats!

    We are hearing about more bats in homes than usual so far this month! There are several different bat species here in Ontario such as brown, red, hoary, eastern small-footed, silver-haired, eastern pipistrelle and northern long-eared myotis. While they are not aggressive they are certainly a nuisance and leave behind destructive waste. They are very helpful however in controlling mosquitos, pollinating plants and dispersing seeds. So why not give them a nice bat home so they don’t want to live in yours? Check out this DIY project: or maybe purchase one such as this Canadian Tire product: If a random bat finds its way into your home simply open a window or door – typically they will sense the draft and quickly exit. Many bat species – such as the small brown bat – are included in the endangered species and are protected by federal law. It is illegal to use chemicals or poisons or hunt, trap or kill them. If you have an infestation in your attic and it is not their baby season we can help you. Our service includes a full inspection, locating and sealing off entry points then installing temporary one-way doors so they exit and cannot re-enter your home. Once the bats have all left you will want to clean up the area or hire a professional cleanup company. If DIY be sure to wear protective gear including full sleeves, gloves and a respirator. We service Woodstock, London, Brantford, Kitchener, Waterloo, Stratford and surrounding areas.

  • Opossum: Nature’s own Pest Control!

    Did you know that opossum’s young crawl to the mother’s pouch and latch onto a nipple, where they stay and feed for about 2 months? Then they stay and travel on their mothers back. After about 100 days they leave their mother to find their own home. What else should you know about opossums?: 1. Opossum’s are nocturnal animals and North America’s only marsupial. They have good grooming habits and can eat up to 5,000 ticks per year! Opossum’s have a low body temperature which makes them immune to many diseases such as rabies. 2. They help your yard and garden by eating insects, snails, small rodents and snakes! Their life expectancy in the wild is 1-2 years and up to 4 years in captivity. Sadly, hundreds of them are killed each year on our roads. 3. Opossum’s may hiss, growl or bite if cornered but they are actually very harmless. Did you know they play dead? Hence, the term “opossum” when we played hide & seek or tag as children! They actually faint in shock at the prospect of such a confrontation. This is an involuntary response on the part of the opossum. The stress of the confrontation causes them to go into shock inducing a comatose state that can last from 40 minutes to four hours. While “dead,” the opossum’s body is limp, it’s front feet form into balls and drool runs out of its mouth. It may even appear that rigor mortis has begun. 4. The opossum’s guise of death goes so far as to produce a smell of decay. From their anal glands, the opossum’s body emits green mucus that will discourage most predators from feeding on it while he’s in this comatose state. Who knew!! 5. While opossums seem to offer a range of benefits - you may still want them removed should you discover a nest in your home or on your property. Call Gunning Wildlife Removal 519-421-2677 or text 289-987-0390. We offer affordable, humane wildlife removal in Woodstock, London, Brantford, Kitchener, Waterloo, Stratford and surrounding areas.

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Gunning Wildlife Removal & Pest Control

124 Ottawa Ave

Woodstock, Ontario N4T 0H9


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Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Saturday and Sunday: Closed

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Terms and Conditions. Invoices are payable on receipt unless other terms are negotiated and agreed in writing by seller. By requesting service, accepting delivery or installation of goods or service, buyer agrees to pay the invoiced cost and agrees to be bound to these contract terms. By paying the invoice you are agreeing to the terms & conditions appearing here and on the invoice and you give our workers permission to enter your property and collect our traps, doors, bait boxes or other material. Please call our office if raccoon doors have not been removed after 14 days. Please call if you want a squirrel door removed. Screening work on holes will only stop wildlife and not mice. Only screened areas are guaranteed to stop wildlife for one year, new holes are not covered under guarantee. We are not responsible for water damage, or cut wire/pipes from digging around decks, sheds or additions. Full prevention jobs come with 1 year guarantee on screening. Pest control is guaranteed for 3 months unless otherwise stated.

Service Area

We serve Southwestern Ontario: Woodstock, London, Kitchener, Waterloo, Brantford, Stratford and surrounding areas

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